Companion Plant Collection

Companion Plant Collection


For the health and longevity of your garden, consider utilizing companion planting techniques. Plant mutually beneficial groups of plants in your garden to protect from pests, provide shade, improve soil, improve taste and yield, and suppress weeds.

Tomato with Basil - These plants not only go perfectly together on your plate but also are excellent companions in your garden. Basil’s aromatic output acts to deter hornworms and other harmful insects. Basil is said to improve the flavor of your tomatoes by attracting bees and increasing pollination.

Lettuce with Radish - These plants are both quick to grow and quick to mature, so they share a similar timeline. Lettuce helps improve the softness and tastiness of radishes into the summer. Radishes can act as pest traps and lure flea beetles away from lettuce.

Peas with Spinach - Peas provide natural shade for spinach while fixing nitrogen into the soil for optimal soil health. These added nutrients encourage the growth of the spinach. Both plants are cold season crops and can be planted at the same time.

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